Saturday, 20 July 2013

Shaman King Volume 6 Road Trip to Izumo

Art and Written by Hiroyuki Takei
Chapter 45 to 53
Price $5.96

This volume was ok at best a lot of development for Yoh and manta. This volume continues from the last volume with Yoh and Faust fighting. Yoh ask “why you are like this” and Faust answer by a flash back. The Flash back cover how Faust was young and fell in love with a sick girl, cured her and they got marry. One night a robber came into his house and killed Eliza. This is how she got the bullet in the skull. He learns Faust wants to become shaman king to bring back the dead, and Yoh does not agree with Faust beliefs. Faust puts all of his mana into Eliza and Eliza charges at Yoh. Yoh puts all what he has left into one swing and they clash. Yoh cut off Eliza Legs, but Yoh lost his over soul.  Yoh lose and his first lost over all. The lost it hits him hard. Faust gets enraged that Yoh smashed Eliza’s legs. Faust wants to kill Yoh.  Faust uses all of his mana to create a HUGE skeleton. Silva rushes in, but Ren saved Yoh. Ren turns the skeleton into dust.

Ren saved Yoh, because he will be fighting Yoh in the next fight, in 3 months’ time. We do not know if Ren won or lose his matches, but this will be an interesting fight, because Yoh need a win and Ren wants to beat Yoh.

After the match we are at the Hospital. Manta and Yoh are both recovering. This is where we meet Manta family and found out why he studies so much. It’s because of this father; Manta’s Father is a CEO of an electronics company that one day Manta will run. his father tell Manta  that he will be going to the USA to study, Manta did not agree with him and went to go see Yoh, in the Hospital. Yoh is depressed about the lost, but mostly Manta got hurt. Once manta got into Yoh room this is where Yoh tell Manta that it was his fault that he lost. Manta is pretty much heart broken and ran away. Yoh made a decision, he needs to get stronger, so to do this he need to go back home to Izumo.

When Yoh is at Izumo and he talks to his grandpa. His grandpa tells Yoh if he wants to increase his mana he will need to die and come back. To do this he will need to enter this cave and stay in the cave for 7 days and that is what Yoh did.

During the 7 days Manta had a lot of time to think about what happen and has to make a decision, do what his father wants to do or learn more about Yoh. At the airport, he decided that he want to learn more about Yoh. Lucky for him, he sees Ryu and they talk and go on a road trip to see Yoh at Izumo. On the way to Izumo we learn a lot about Ryu and Manta once they get to Izumo they are greeted by a girl name Tamao (very cute design) and her two spirits Ponchi and Conchi that reminds me of Ren and Stimpy, they have a very entertaining fight with a lot of jokes. The fight ends with Anna tell then that we are all going to go see Yoh, so they go to the cave and wait for him Tamao use her shaman powers to find Yoh, and in no time Yoh comes out.

Yoh has become stronger just by the look of his new over soul it goes up his arm, to me it looks like the more mana a shaman has the more there over soul looks like the spirit and now Amibamaru can talk in his over soul.

Yoh and manta had a talk and they became friends again
In the last chapter in of this volume focus most about Ren and his reason why he want to be shaman king. He wants to be shaman king to stop this cycle of hatred that his family has for 1800 years, even if it means to destroy his family.  We also learn that Bason has service the Tao family in life and death, and is pretty loyal to Ren and believe in what he wants to do.

This Volume had a lot of information and I enjoy it for the most part, I still think Faust is awesome and I can't wait to see more of him. The next Volume will be pretty entertaining because we have Yoh vs Ren round two and Yoh needs to win this.

he is the cover, side and back of the volume


I hope you guys enjoy my review of volume 6 and see you guys next week.

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